Revised For 2017
Unanimous Proclamation
For Peace and Prosperity
The AHH and Mandala Society, that Launched the Holistic Health Movement in America, introduced the word “Holistic” and launched the broad practice of Holistic Body Mind Spirit medicine and education teaching the real basic 3 R’s: Respect – Responsibility – Reverence for all life. Holistic concept is now not just accepted but embraced by society as a new paradigm. Revelation now is Reverence for all of existence.
Is Holistic thinking an answer to what follows that must be
the most urgent pragmatic awareness of our time?
“We are drifting towards a catastrophe beyond conception. A substantial new manner of thinking is required if humankind is to survive.” – Einstein
OUR AHH & Mandala Society is dedicated to empowering each person to the maximum by supporting each person having their own personal religion. Religion that must be personal is our individual foundation to having maximum benefit from our unavoidable connection to Source that is the Force:
The Supreme Creative Life Force of All Creation
We Must Free This in Each of Us or Perish
We will find that O.U.R. legacy is the Divine Legacy of all of Humanity becoming Humankind. This is our time. Those alive now, and there are not very many of us, are deciding if we leave available sustainable prosperity for all or end a livable world. Think Nuclear Winter.
This Proclamation is our Decree for total devotion to creating O.U.R. pragmatic Holistic foundation available legacy from our divine selves that are unavoidably connected to the supreme intelligence of our Creator. Thus O.U.R. Holistic Renaissance that is not an organization.
This is O.U.R. Movement Of Destiny
“Our Destiny is not Power. Our Destiny is Wisdom”
Benjamin Franklin
AHH & Mandala Unanimous Proclamation Embellished:
We envision creating O.U.R. Holistic pragmatic Sanctuary in Canada providing evolving Enriching Integrity Circles of Soul Teams, Tribes and Families. This includes creating an Ecologically, Sociologically Sustainable Village demonstration with our Home Holistic Living Association we have established in Canada.
We can prove that the most fun, fulfilling, profitable thing
we can be doing is creating a world that works for all.
Something Is Coming
This is Not an Organization. This Can Be
we can all contribute to:
Our Unlimited Revelations
Opens Unlimited Renaissance
Opening Universal Religion
Our Individual Foundation to Source
Opening Ultimate Reverence
“Deep respect mingled with awe and love”
That is Awe – “A We” – You and Me
Opens Ultimate Relationships
Opening Unlimited Riches
With O.U.R. Holistic Renaissance
That is not an organization, it
is O.U.R. movement that moves us
from our now age of
Communication and Consciousness
to our Age of Kindness and Wisdom
Birthing our World of Love.
Secured By Year 2020 Perfect Vision
When We Have Our Pragmatic Vision Of Essence Love
This is a call for all to take action for solving
the causes of our demise rather than just firefighting.
Mandala’s & AHH’s Contributions
are providing Communication and
evolving Enriching Integrity Circles.
Contributing action will be posted on
O.U.R. Essence Space WEBSITE
Emulating FaceBook and Television
Empowering Our Voice for Our Choice
of Our World of Sustainable Happy Hearts.
Social Networking for Sustainable Happiness
Social media website for Happy Hearts
Including our Gift of evolving
Enriching Integrity Circles
Establishing Intentional Community
This is OUR World’s
Greatest Match Making Service
For Sustainable Happiness
Our Foundation site for Claiming our Greatest Gift,
Our Sacred Life With Vast Untapped Personal Potential
And Claim The Treasure Of Our Amazing Heritage
To Live Our Life Of “liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
It is great to make a difference.
Necessity is being THE difference by celebrating being
Altruistic Sustainable Happy Heart Actualizing Beings
secure in evolving Enriching Integrity Circles
or whatever you want to call your group.
This is for those choosing the authenticity of being
Actualizing Beings focused on Altruism.
We cannot earn being and Actuating Being.
We Can only Choose Being An Actualizing Being
This frees the greatest wealth on our planet:
OUR vast untapped personal potential.
This is an essence-connecting group of devoted
true friends empowering each other in being
“The Leaders we have been waiting for.”
This is about fulfillment of our greatest personal Integrity
That is Choosing OUR Greatest Life
We are in undeniable triple dysfunction:
Ecologically, Economically and Militarily
Where there is dysfunction, there is a trauma.
Our trauma is about our connection with Source.
Are We in Essence Love Trauma?
Where is our Choosing to end Self-Destruction???
Most must be in denial or have given up.
Where are our Agendas?
Now we Heal Our Connection With Source and
Money, the most dynamic expression of
Spirit like the blood of life. Where it goes it grows.
The Purpose of Life Must Be About Expressing Life.
Learning – Creating- Giving and Receiving.
Healing OUR Mystery and Misery of Money
With the Magic of Mastering the Spirit of Money.
Vital Vibrant Coming Alive with our
Healing about money.
It is imperative that we see money as our most mystical dynamic pragmatic spirit. This is most practical for with this awareness it will be easy to end our self-destruction.
When people find out how money is created their minds are repelled and they can in no way believe it.
Before we break this terminal spell we look at the spirit money, then how it is created.
Sustainable Life is about giving and receiving. We thrive or just survive based on money moving goods and services.
When we had the barter system it was very difficult for prolific giving and receiving that is life expressed.
We couldn’t have bartered things to provide what was needed to create homes for the masses. We could not have airplanes and automobiles and the amazing technology we have with a barter system. We could not have gone to the moon proving that the sky is not the limit.
The money we use has no value of and by itself.
We have an unsustainable conflict-and-scarcity, role-playing society focused on things and getting.
Our sustainable win is being authentic in our cooperation and abundance world that is relationship focused and giving.
A deep realization for sustainable prosperity is that
“Who Serves best benefits the most.” –Rotary Motto.
Thus, business is about the alchemy of The Art and Science of Giving.
Now we have the unsustainable world of thing-focused, business is the art and science of getting the most while giving as little as possible so we have a big profit.
This is not sustainable.
Our relationship with money amazingly may be our most difficult relationship to be healed. Thousands of people die every day for lack of money and there is no shortage of resources and providing money would not be a burden on anyone.
There is only a shortage of citizens who know how money is created and our requiring integrity for appropriately directed money. John Galbraith, Harvard Economics Professor, said;
“How money is created is so simple that it repels the mind.”
We have been repelled to the demise of civilization.
We are dying for a lack of “We the People” directed Interest-free, Debt-free Constitutional Money.
We do not borrow the money to create our coins and pay interest on it. “We the people” can just put bigger numbers on the coins
and provide the services that is our Constitutional Law By way of Our Universal Declaration Of Human Rights.
We are so innocent about money that to end our demise from
not knowing about it may take our owning that we are all in the closet as awakening enlightened beings. Now we invite us out.
We can come out of the closet and embrace
Self Integrity and Enlightened Self Interest.
Functioning about money as the enlightened beings we are may still not be powerful enough to break our spell about money for many. Thus it may take each of us creating our greatest most powerful awareness of what God is. This can be supported in evolving Enriching Integrity Circles.
OUR major necessary win for our survival is also provided in
The WordMap: Cracking the Cult Code.
Conclusion of The Magic and Mystery of Money
If we are to stay in evolution It is imperative that we uphold every possible personal motivation to assure history being recorded that in the Year 2020 our perfect vision moved from our
Age of Communication and Consciousness
to entering The Age of Kindness and Wisdom.
Birthing our World of Open Essence Love.
This is having our perfect vision of our Planet of Holistic Essence Love expressed in the Mandala Mission for all opening our personal religions conscious sacred evolving, personal connection to unavoidable source. With this we can celebrate OUR
Unity-in-Diversity bottom-line divine being self of loving and caring for each other.
For this we will be creating
The Bank For Humanity.
Moving to this is now our personal First Priority Fund.
Those investing in the fund are Humanitarians that are provided an honored Space in Our Essence Space social media sustainable Network Virtual Reality world of our Practical Grandiosity world, writing our Headline Stories about sustainable utopia. Here we are networking our virtual reality into sustainable utopia.
Buckminster Fuller said it with the title of his book:
Utopia or Oblivion.
He alerts us to our choice not being something in-between.
It is Utopia for all or Oblivion for all.
No waiting. We live fulfillment now in that OUR sustainable win, living in our winning process
that can be found in evolving
Enriching Integrity Circles
Or whatever you call your group
The Magic of our win in life is in
our invitation that we can give to all.
Winning Life With the Spirit of Money
is breaking our spell about money.
The secret is fulfilling our altruistic needs
with our Evolving Enrichment Circles now choose to be
living the benefit of being awakening enlightened beings.
This is about authentic loving devoted real friendships.
Remember, to have the benefit of being awakening enlightened beings we must first choose to have our hierarchy of needs met:
We cannot earn this, we can only choose it. The needs are:
Survival, Security, Belonging, Self Esteem, Esthetic, Altruistic.
“A deep secret in life is that the only thing really worth doing is what we do for others.” –Lewis Carol
When our focus is on our altruistic needs we open the door to our vast untapped personal potential and we are living as an awakening divine enlightened being. This is romancing our personal ultimate and winning before we get there for we are
living in our winning process with our circle of authentic, devoted, true friends in our Soul Teams, Tribes, or soul Families, fully supporting us being Actualizing Beings.
Our Personal Co-Creator First Priority Fund Account opens
our personal Altruistic Hierarchy of Needs funding.
When we are feeling like victims or innocent by-standers to the systems that are destroying us we cannot free enough potential to stay in evolution. Now we can feel the greatest good about ourselves, freeing our vast, untapped, personal potential.
We Are Choosing Available Utopia Over Pending Oblivion.
Religion For O.U.R. – Time Just In Time???
Our connecting that always is and always will be
for this is our unavoidable connection to Source.
Our connection to Source is so personal,
intimate and sacred that it is vital that
we support each other in us each evolving
O.U.R. own personal religions.
Religion – Our Personal Connection To Source
O.U.R. Holistic Renaissance
Opening Universal Religion
Foundation to Source
Optimizing Ultimate Reverence
♥ our Bottom line … Kindness ♥
“My world is my country and to do
good is my religion.” –Thomas Payne
Embracing our sacred honor and being really relevant for our time is choosing available sustainable prosperity for all that raises our self-esteem, getting us off the list of being in denial or innocent bystanders.
This provides our feel-good needed to free our vast potential that provides us living in our winning process:
OUR Evolving
Enriching Integrity Circles
Moves us from a thing-focused, conflict-and-scarcity, role-playing society of doing and getting that is not sustainable to our prosperous-for-all, cooperation and abundance, authentic, sustainable, relationship-focused society of devoted friends focused on empowering each other and giving.
“Who serves best benefits the most.” –Rotary
Enriching Integrity Circles
Are Our Greatest GIFT
To Receive and Give
As soon as we are in our Circle
We have won the Game of Life
In that we are living in
O.U.R. Winning Process.
We can have OUR greatest Feel-Good
Knowing that being in OUR Circles
We are making it possible For the Non-Organization Movement O.U.R. Holistic Renaissance
to spotlight available sustainable prosperity
creation for all – over pending oblivion.
When asked
“What is the value of being in an Enriching Integrity Circle?”
Some say, “It is worth Everything!” Others Say it is Priceless.
“Do not wait for the leaders.
We are the leaders we have been waiting for.”
–Hopi Prophecy
We Find Wisdom Hidden In Acronyms. It takes a
community of truth seekers to find the TRUTH:
Total Respect Uniting Through Happy Hearts
RESPECT Ends Being Divided and Conquered.
Respect Ensures Sacred Potential Evolving Continual Transformation
A Living – Always Evolving Proclamation